Category Archives: Family Photography

Mar 28
What Should We Wear/Do, and Where Should We Do This?

So, you’ve booked a photo session with me, now what? You’ve likely never done this before. I have, and I really want you to get some awesome photos from our shoot! Here is some advice on how to prepare for our photos:

Where should we have our photo shoot?

We need to pick a place where you create memories with your family. It could be your home, the neighborhood park or playground, your parent’s house, wherever you want. It’s most important to choose a place where everyone is comfortable, in familiar surroundings, and a place that has some significance to your family. If you want to do these outside, have a backup location in mind in case of inclement weather.

What are we supposed to do?

It would be ideal if there was an activity planned. It could be as simple as taking a walk, going to the playground, or you could plan a more elaborate activity. One time, I showed up for a family photo session, and discovered that the mother planned a treasure hunt for her oldest of two boys who was just learning to read and basic math. It started just after I got there, and it worked out great! Very quickly, the boys, lost in the treasure hunt, forgot I was there, the mom was beaming with pride in her son’s accomplishments, and I got some wonderful shots!


I’ve photographed pool parties, birthdays, family reunions, and parents playing with their kids. The best thing to do is just do what you normally do with your family. The point of these photos is to capture your personality and the times you share with your family. A relaxed, fun family doing something familiar leads to awesome photos!


What should we wear?

I would start with what your child/children want to wear, then base your outfit on that (though I have no idea what would go best with a bunny suit!). Make sure patterns and colors do not clash. If your little one(s) don’t have a preference, make sure it’s not something that’s distracting (whenever I put my 11 month old in overalls, he can’t resist putting the metal closures in his mouth!).


Try to avoid wearing all the same colors. For example, if you all wear blue shirts, you’ll kind of blend together.

Have your partner take a look. Is your shirt too sheer? Did you not see the stain that your little one got on you this morning? Do your socks match?

Are you wearing something significant? Did the onesie that your little one is wearing come from a great friend? Do they have a significant toy that you want to be sure to get a shot of? Did your partner give you a special watch or necklace or something for an anniversary or other special occasion? Let me know about it so I can be sure to feature it!

Above all else, wear comfortable clothes. If we’re planning on shooting at a family picnic, don’t wear dress pants. If we are going to shoot at your house and your little one likes to wrestle, don’t wear big earrings.

When should we do this?

The ideal time for photographing outdoors is either very early morning or later in the afternoon because of the light. To avoid the harsh shadows of noon, I recommend that you schedule pictures for within two to three hours of sunrise or sunset. The light at these specific times also fills in the shadows under eyes and adds highlights and dimension, and provides for much more natural shots (no squinting, no sunglasses, and fewer distractions).

But, it’s most important to have children who are well-rested so be sure to let me know what their ideal time is. I’d rather shoot at noon with a happy, rested child than at 6pm when they are cranky and want to get ready for bed.

I’m open to your ideas! Tell me what you hope to accomplish, let me know where you would LOVE to have your photo session, and ask any questions you’d like! The more we collaborate on these images, the better they will be!


Feb 14
Why I Do What I Do

About 2 months after he was born, we took our son Reid to visit my wife’s grandparents in Connecticut. I don’t have any grandparents around anymore, so it was a special treat to have Reid meet his great grandparents (both in their mid-nineties)!

They were SO EXCITED to meet and play with him! Their faces lit up and Reid worked his adorable magic on them. It was a delight all the way around.

This morning, his great grandmother passed away. That was the only time they saw each other. Memories last, certainly, but the photos here are the ones I value most right now.

It is my job to be a family’s historian. To capture those moments that may never be able to be repeated. I take this responsibility very seriously, and when the kids move out of the house, when a family splits, or when someone passes away, these moments are even more special and more cherished. I don’t just take goofy photos of your family. I capture those moments and preserve them for you.

I don’t know how else to express this more clearly. My words are failing me and I am flooded with emotion. I am passionate about what I do, and I am honored every time I get invited into people’s homes to document their family and preserve those moments.



May 28
What I Love About These Family Photos

These are two photos of my wife and my son, Carrie and Reid.  

This is Reid, photographed in more of a studio setting:

Each of these mean so much to me because that’s my family, but those first two are not just what they are (my wife/my son/my family) but WHO they are, and who WE are.  

The first two photos were taken the morning of game three of the Celtics play offs (that’s why he’s wearing the jersey that his Uncle Dave and Aunt Sanne gave him).  That room they are in is Reid’s bedroom.  Well, it actually use to be our room, but when Carrie was about 6 months pregnant, we decided to rearrange the whole apartment because we wanted Reid to have his own room.  We were going to re-paint it from the color we had painted it before we moved in together here, but we had just painted another room, and our list of things to get done before Reid arrived was getting longer every day.  See that quilt behind them?  It’s one his Aunt Laurene made for him.  It has turtles on it because I love turtles (it was actually my nickname for many years, to the point that few people knew my given name).  The side of the quilt you don’t see is a fuzzy material that Laurene sewed in a large outline of a turtle in. So cool (and cozy)!!  

You’ll notice an Ernie in the background of that second photo.  I have quite the collection of Ernies that I’ve collected over many years and now I’m super excited to share them with the little guy!  Oh, and yes, I love chess, too.  Carrie got those chess piece outlines to put on the wall for my second birthday.  For a while, they were on my home office wall, but then that room became our bedroom, so we moved them into Reid’s room because I’m hoping that will influence Reid to love chess as much I do so that I can finally have someone to play with! 

I love the first two photos more because they will trigger these memories, and this time, in our lives for many years to come.  

That second shot is…  Well, it’s Reid.  That’s what he looks like.  His grandparents enjoy having a copy of that to frame.  I know which day I took it because I can see the metadata in the file information.  And, well, that’s about it.  

I do what I do because I want to capture memories, not just photos.  I want y’all to remember that day, that moment in your family’s life.  I want these photos to start a conversation for many years to come.  

What do you want photos of your family to say?  

May 23
Introducing our son, Reid Logan Rogers!

So, today is…Wednesday?  Is it still May?  

The past 19 days have been a blur.  Sometimes, one day has felt like three days thanks to taking several naps, and other times, a week goes by and it felt like it was only a few hours!  

This is all thanks to our brand new son, Reid Logan Rogers who arrived on May 4th weighing 9.75 pounds, and 21.5 inches long.  The weeks leading up to his arrival, as well as the weeks since have been hectic, and that means some things (like keeping up with my blog) have been put on the back burner.  

He’s been totally worth it, though (DUH!!)!  

His mother (my lovely and amazing wife) is recovering very well, and I am learning a LOT of lessons!  The most notable of which is when your are changing diapers to NEVER say out loud (or even THINK) “Oh, wow, the little guy hasn’t pooped all day, changing diapers is easy!” because as soon as you complete that thought (and after the old diaper has been put in the laundry bin), that is the moment that he will let loose all that he has been saving up all day, just for a moment like this!  

It’s okay, though.  We are doting on him at every opportunity, being amazed at every little thing he does, and I will do anything I can for him or my gorgeous wife!

So, being the proud dad I am, I need to share some photos now! :)

Mar 15
Benson, The Reading Therapy Dog

There was a girl in my grade school class who had the hardest time reading out loud to the class, as we were compelled to do on a regular basis.  She was quiet, shy, and I’m sure this was the worst part of her day.  

I felt so sorry for her, and wished I could do something to help her be less shy or something to help her gain the confidence to be able to read out loud without such a struggle.  If only I knew Benson back then!  

I just started working on a fairly extensive project to help the Goodnow Library in Sudbury improve their website and overall public persona.  The first step in this was to photograph one of the weekly story time sessions with Benson, the reading therapy dog.  

The way it works is Benson, trained through the Pets and People Foundation, is just there for the kids to read to.  He is a really mellow dog, rescued from Tennessee by Kim, and is happy to just lay there and listen to the kids read out loud.  Kim was a librarian, and she helps the kids with the more difficult words sometimes, but mostly, it’s just the kids and Benson spending some time together. 

How awesome is that?!  What a supportive and relaxing way to be more comfortable with reading out loud, and to a greater extent, becoming more comfortable with public speaking in the future, to gain self confidence, and to pet on a soft, loving dog like Benson!